ThatIsBeyond… Why Wednesday is my favourite day!

There are many reasons why Wednesdays are the tops! One being that it’s the middle of the working week so every day after that, the end is officially in sight! Another is that I avoid the hordes of drunken idiots (no judgement – on occasion I am one too!) who make my late night commute that little bit more stressful.

But the key reason that Wednesdays are the best is that this mid-week haven is a day devoted every week to my son!

In our house Wednesday is “Boy’s Day” – this means that daddy doesn’t go to work, father and son get some one on one time together, and mum gets a well deserved break after work (some weeks).

The magic of boy’s day Is that Dad’s list of “needs to be done” tasks, blends brilliantly with my son’s leadership of the day as a whole!!!

Three loads of washing can transform into a morning of bouncing at a trampoline Park, our weekly shop can divert via the zoo and a quiet book on the sofa can transport us to the desert, the moon or even Buckingham Palace!

Whatever we do together, we discuss and he makes the final decision. I think it’s so important for young children to have a sense of making decisions in their own lives -equally they also need to know that they can’t always get their own way and that their behaviour will affect the outcome.

I am a child in an adults body. And to that end I really have very few issues with the various ideas that my three year old has, to spend a Wednesday together. We are also really lucky to have a selection of activities available to us, most of which are very affordable but more importantly FUN.

There is also something to be said for sharing something inherently adult, like getting your hair cut at the Barbers 💈 with your kid, it is something special for them to share with you. Often at my barbers @mancavecompany we will sit beside each other, having our haircut and having a little chat – these are the memories that I cherish.

Some days we will kick a ball in a park, him with determination and me with a carelessness that only decades of loathing football can achieve! Or we will build forts in the den and hide from the Shere Khan and Kaa or monkey around with King Louis. Time can slip away whilst we scooter to the local shop, make pizza dough from scratch or build outlandish monsters from Duplo (I cant wait until we make it to proper Lego!)

I am so proud of his imagination – he really sees the worlds that he creates, he can taste the foods he eats, he can hear the transport vroom past us and he can smell his imaginary Friend’s farts!!!

Some people question our decision to limit his time in front of a television to an absolute minimum – sometimes people can think that we are cruel, that he’s missing out. But I think he has gained so much from being the author of his worlds and for sharing them with us every day.

There is no judgement here – there is no parenting pathway that applies to all. We just found that this worked for us… and so we stuck to it – I think that is what parenting is really about – Do what works for you and your child and stuff everyone else’s opinions!!!

Wednesdays are my favourite day because I decided that this was the type of father that I wanted to be. Wednesdays taught me that if you want something enough, there is always a solution if you tackle it in the correct manner, and mostly Wednesdays taught me that every moment with my son is worth more than an hourly wage – for me it is priceless.

I write this post on a Tuesday so as not to interrupt my quality time – we will be visiting Little Street, a sort of miniature world where he can zoom around on a blue BMW or work in a supermarket or arrest me for over-decaffeinating in the cafe! He’ll choose where to eat, and the books we will read together. He will “help” to weed the garden and he’ll probably choose to eat a choc Ice (which he will have found on Pluto!). There may even be time for the monkey bars or slides in the local park… alternatively he may just want to explore!

So whilst he may not have tv as a predominant factor in his life – on Wednesdays (the best day of the week, officially) after he has gone to bed, I get an alcoholic beverage and switch on the tv! I want to develop his imagination, I’m not a monster!!!

And besides Killing Eve is BRILLIANT!

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